Customer Experience Survey

We want to know about your experience shopping at Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff

Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff Customer Survey Form

Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff is making a commitment to be the best place you can shop for sporting goods. It has been brought to our attention via several chances, we could do a lot better. So we have created this quick and easy customer form where you can share your experience and any details about your most recent shopping experience at our stores. We want to earn your business and referrals and your sharing honest criticisms or awesome experiences will help us immensely!
Please share what store, day and approximate time of your most recent visit to Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff.
Store Location(Required)
Which Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff Store Did You Visit
If possible, please select date. If you experience accessibility issues or cannot recall the exact date and/or time, feel free to use text input to provide additional details.
Please choose the best answer for this question about how our store staff interacted with you.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Please pick an answer that best matches your observations of our store after your last visit.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Please pick an answer that shares your overall experience finding what drew you to Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Referrals are important for any business. We'd like to know which answer best matches your experience after your recent trip to Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Please share any details on your experience that can help us either resolve any issues you may experience or congratulate our staff on meeting or exceeding your expectations.
Feel free to submit your Customer Survey Form anonymously. On the other hand, if we need to follow up with you, please provide a name and contact information.